Category: Domestic Violence

The child’s mother became pregnant with the child when she was in an abusive relationship. The abuser would kick, hit, and throw the mother up against the wall. He would also say things like I hope you lose the baby you dumb bitch.

The abuser went as far as to even want the pregnancy terminated and talked to professionals to get this done because he did not know if the baby was his and because the abuser did not want the baby.

While the mother was pregnant the abuser put a gun up to the mothers head and said if I kill you now we will never have to worry about whose baby this is. He raped the mother several times while she was pregnant. The mother did not want the abuser to touch her but the abuser said it was his right to get affection from the mother.

When the baby would not come on time, the abuser got upset and blamed the mother for doing something wrong.  He told her she was messed up in the head and this baby would be f*cked up just like her.

The Baby was in stress a few times and the doctors always asked the mother if there was something going on but she was afraid to say anything because he threatened to kill her and the unborn child if she ever told. The mother was put on bed rest but he believed it was the woman’s job to cook and clean. She was forced to do this.

The abuser was smart, he would bruise the mother’s arms, back, butt and legs. He would leave marks where no one would see them. I am not saying the abuser did not hit me in the stomach because that he did, many times.

When the mother went into labor he was consumed by anger about this child. She had to try to sober up the abuser so she could get to the hospital. He told the mother who was in labor if she called for help she would regret it. He would make sure something happened to the baby.

Please note when the mother was pregnant with this child she had other children and this is when the abuser started abusing them as well.


The mother was finally able to go to the hospital in the morning hours after having to go through labor with a drunk telling her to “stop crying, the pain is not that bad, a gunshot would be worse, so if you keep crying you will be able to tell me what hurts most.”

On the way to having the baby the abuser said to the mother in labor “if you open your mouth about what’s going on the baby will never leave the hospital, I will make it look like an accident and there is nothing you could do about it.”

The mother was so scared to bring this child into the world, how was she going to hold it together, and how was she going to get out?

He told her the baby must have his last name and a middle name from his family, therefore he would always have rights to the child because they shared the same last name.

He also made the mother sign papers saying he would have the child 6 months out of the year and he would collect child tax for the child in those 6 months. The mother being scared for her children did as she was told.

He told the mother over and over again there would be ways to make sure the baby was gone if she did not follow his rules as he held a pillow up. SIDs he kept saying a pillow over the face not to hard so no marks are left would take care of her right now.

He told the mother he would have people come and check up on her now and again to make sure she didn’t say a thing.

He finally left and the mother spent the rest of the day with visitors coming to check on her. Just to make sure she was following the abusers rules. She kept getting told the abuser said you might need company since he was busy. Busy my ass he was out drinking with his friends!

When it was time to leave the hospital the abuser told her that she was only allowed to leave with him. So when she called she had to wait 2 and half hours for him to arrive.

On the way home he made fun of the mother for sitting in the back with her baby and when he lit up a smoke and the mother said stop he said “be careful what you say I will put the smoke out on the baby and I will smoke were I please.”

Once they were back to her home he told her he was leaving, have the baby ready so he could take her out to show his friends and family. This is when the mother stood up and said no we need to rest and we are staying home. The mother with the car seat in her hands still walking to the couch to put the baby down was shoved from behind. He said “I told you I was taking the baby out” the mother protected the baby as she landed against the coffee table.

The baby was okay and with tears in her eyes she said I will go to your house with the child but you are not taking her out alone I do not trust you. He said we will see and you can come I guess. I said no guessing or I call the cops.

The abuser kept saying I am sorry I never meant to hurt you. Please do not call I will not do it again you can come.


The abuser came back with roses to the mother home to pick them up and said how sorry he was. In her heart the mother knew he was not sorry.The abuser made the mother carry the baby out to the car after having a baby and now having bruises from him pushing her.

He said “so I got you flowers for having the child what are you getting me?” I asked what work he did and he said a lot and he would not say any more. I said hell no I am not getting you a thing and he handed me a piece of paper and said this is what I want. It was a $200 gift. He then drove in the wrong lane and said I think you will come up with the money and agree to this very soon or we will be hitting the transport in a few minutes. She said ok, I will get it. The abuser told the mother you better or the next time we will be hitting the transport you have a month and it better be in my hands.

Finally they got to the abusers home. It was full of his family. The abuser told the mother to take care of the baby and help his mother with dinner. When the mother went to help with dinner and the mother said no the abuser told the mother to get in the kitchen and help, remember is all he said.

Every time the baby cried he would call to the mother and said she’s just like you, a bitch, crying for nothing.

The mother went into the bathroom she was having pains for over doing it and when she came out the abuser was gone. He took the baby to but none of her stuff. She was due to be fed and she was breastfed. Where was he? The abuser mother said he went to a friend who was a drug dealer.  I started to cry. I paced back and forth crying and finally he came back. Her diaper was full and she was screaming.

The abuser would not even clean up the baby. She was coughing and smelled of smoke. The mother washed the baby up and put new clothes on her. He grabbed her by the arm and said why did you put that outfit on the child? I do not like it. The mother said how was I to know. He said try again, this happened 3 times before she was able to sit down and feed the baby who was screaming.

In front of everyone the abuser told the mother do you not know how to take care of a child and stop her from screaming. I spoke up and was told by the abusive mother’s partner do not say a thing. So I walked into a bed room to feed the baby and the abuser followed. I said I want to leave this is not fair. He said it is your job to make sure the baby is seen but not heard. I said you got to be joking and he told me I will take care of you when I drop you off.

I finally got to go home. He slapped, hit and pushed me for talking. I was then told he was going out drinking because he just had a baby and there was nothing I could do about it but he would come here later. I said not drunk and he said you will not stop me because if you do I will make sure you never see this child again.

That night the abuser came back drunk and tried to wake up the baby. The abuser had keys that he made for himself.

He fell coming into the house screaming turn on the light, I can’t see. The other children woke up. The abuser started screaming put your kids to sleep. So the mother grabbed the baby and went to sleep in the children’s room with the baby.

The child was 2 ½ months when the abuser came back. He was working but he was also partying and refused to have his child visit him in the 2 months he missed.

During the time he was gone he would call and tell her she needed to get things for his home for the child for when the child was there. The mother told the abuser she was on a fixed income she could only get the things for her own home. The abuser said fine the child will not have anything there and it will be entirely your fault. I will make sure everyone knows it. I already went into your email account and sent an email from you to myself saying you blew the money I sent you on drugs and now the child has nothing at your home.

So the mother was not sure at the time how to prove this wrong and afraid he would go to child protection she did what she was told and bought everything for the abusers home.

He would call every day and told her if you do not listen to me I will take you to court. Remember, I have been in your email I have written many emails to me from you try and prove me wrong. He also threatened to take all her children away from her saying “If you ever leave me I will make the rest of your life hell. I will call social services on you every time your case gets closed or I feel you need to be afraid again I will always watch you.”

The child seen the abuser from 2 and half months till she was 5 months old. In these 2 and half months the abuser neglected the child’s every need. He would only spend a few hours a day with the child and when he did it was not a pleasant time for the child, her siblings or the mother.

He would not let the mother comfort the baby from crying, if the mother went near the baby he would push the mother out of the way. It was not until this child would get sick from crying so hard the abuser allowed the mother to attend to her needs. When she would ask for him to help her he would say that he is not getting gross.

The abuser would not change the baby at all. He said that was a women’s job. The mother reminded the abuser he should learn this in case he ever had the child alone. His answer was if I ever leave you because you will never leave me I will take our child to be raised by my mother or find another woman to raise her.  Maybe I should do it now because she would do a better job than you ever will.

One day they were going out and the abuser would not allow the mother to sit with the child but he put a bottle in her mouth and a blanket there to prop it up. This made it hard for the baby to breath and drink and she was too young to get the bottle out of her mouth. The baby started choking and he laughed. The mother screamed pull over please this is my child you are hurting her and he said she would be fine. The mother started unbuckling and climbing into the back seat when the abuse slammed on the break making the mother fly backwards and hit the bash board. The child was turning blue. The mother got the child out of the car seat. God was watching over her because the baby threw up and was ok.

There were so many times of abuse…

One time I talked him into feeding the baby a bottle. He decided to feed the baby while she was lying down. I told the abuser that was not the way you feed a baby she is too small and he said he would do what he wanted and I could not stop him. Finally the baby started chocking and he started to laugh. He got up off the bed and then threw the baby and walked out the door not even checking to see if the child was alright from chocking or throwing her.

Another time the abuser decided he was going to feed the baby and he put her in a baby swing with a blanket to prop up the bottle. When I spoke up and said they should be bonding he threw me back and I landed on the floor.

There were many times when the child would cry that the abuser would pick the baby up and start shaking her screaming shut up, do you got to cry about everything. If I knew you would cry this much I would have got rid of you earlier. The child would cry and every time the mother went to help the child the abuser would hit her to. She might have got bumps and bruises but she still tried to help her baby.

The only time the abuser said he could handle being around the child was when he was drunk. And he rewarded himself after spending not even an hour with the child the right to go out and get drunk.

The abuser would lock the mother and her 2 youngest children in his apartment without a phone or had someone there watching them so they would not leave, or tell her if she did leave she’d be dead when he found her and the children to.

There were many times the mother tried to leave with the baby and her other children but the abuser would grab the baby out of her arms then push the mother down the stairs and locked her up again, or beat her.

The abuser thought it was funny to grab the baby by her arms at just a few months old and swing the baby around. The baby would cry and when the mother would try to step in she would get hurt.

Then came the big day the mother and children got out of the home to never return again. Well the mother and 2 oldest children any way, he still had rights to see the baby so they would have to go to court.

At around 4:45 am the abuser came into his bedroom where I was sleeping with the baby. He did something that awoke me and I asked him why he was so late. He said “I am done with you questioning me and your bullshit I want you to leave.” I said I am only asking because we are here so you could see the child. The abuser yelled I am not listening to you I want you to leave. I asked can I please explain and he didn’t want to hear anything. I asked for my keys which for some reason that I cannot remember were in his truck, He said his truck was at his buddies. I said I need them now or I cannot get into my place and until he could get my keys I would wait out in the living room.

I was lying in his bed when all this was happening and the baby was in her bassinet and the other child was out in the other room. The abuser kept telling me to leave and I was trying to get off his bed. I asked him to move and he would not so I climbed over him and took a blanket, pillow and the baby.

When I got to the living room I noticed the clock and it said 5am. He kept coming out to the living room screaming leave, why are you still here don’t you listen. I still needed my keys to go and I was hoping the abusers mother who lived upstairs would hear and come down stairs to help me.

The abuser asked why did you take the baby out of her bed she was fine were she was I told him your drunk I do not want her around you. At this point my other child woke up.

I got my other child to sit on the couch when I went around the abusers place gathering everything I had there for me and the kids. He grabbed me on my right arm and asks me what I was doing. I said leaving like you told me to do. He was still holding my arm and I was struggling to get away from him. Finally I just pushed him away. With that he hit me open handed on my arm. I yelled leave me alone and started working faster to get my belongings together.

I went into the bedroom and he told me I had no right to be in his room and started to throw mine and the kids’ stuff out of his room. I yelled and said I’ll do it myself. I found a grinder with weed and flushed it down the toilet. The abuser came out of his room yelling at me to leave again.

I remember he had a spare set of my keys on his key chain in his coat pocket. I removed my keys and he came out so I shoved his keys under the pillow.

I went back to packing leaving both kids in eye sight. The abuser started heading over to where the baby was and I yelled you leave her alone your drunk and pissed and I ran in front of him and tried to push him away and he hit me on the shoulder. My child started saying ___ hit mommy the abuser said why did you tell her I hit you.

He went back to his room and I grabbed the phone and started to dial my parent’s number to get someone to come get me and the kids and he grabbed the phone away from me saying you’re not calling anyone.

At this point I started yelling, ___ stop hitting me, over and over again hoping someone would hear me because he was slapping me in the face. He then grabbed the phone and called his mother saying I have gone psycho and I was hitting myself and yelling. He told here to come down so he could go his truck so she could leave.

The abuser then started to get ready to leave and realized his keys were not in his coat he yelled where’s my keys are over and over. I went to the couch to look for them and they were not there. I said I do not know.

I got the kids and grabbed the phone and headed to the laundry room where there was a lock on the door. Before I could get the door locked he pushed it open. I went to the bathroom locked the door and called my mom. He was yelling and I kept telling my mom please come get me please he was at it again and drinking.

My mom said she’d be there as soon as she got my oldest off to school. I left the bathroom and abuser was throwing my things I had packed around yelling for his keys.

He grabbed my pills and ran into his room I asked for them back and he told me not till he got his keys. At this point I was crying and saying I didn’t know where they were. I tried to get my pills and he pushed me away.

I got the kids ready and was just going to leave because I knew people in the area that would be up. My oldest child went up the stairs but before I could he stopped me and said I couldn’t go till he got his keys. He also said the baby wasn’t leaving and if he couldn’t have her no one could. I told him I was not leaving her with a drunk. He said I will make sure you lose all the kids.

I talked my older child there back into coming to the basement. The child got down the stairs and I brought the kids into the laundry room.

The abusers mom finally got there and he told her I would not give him his keys and she’s telling the children I hit her. I asked my oldest there did he hit Mommy.

His mom asked me for the keys and I kept saying I have no clue where they are the last place I seen them was the couch. Abuser mom said why would you say he hit you, you know he would not do that he was raised better than that.

Abusers mom kept getting me and abuser to try and talk he said why would I talk to her, she’s a cop caller and liar. His mom told me to sit down and talk to abuser but there was not use.

His mom started looking through things to find the keys but did not find them either. She asked why he and I were acting this way. I said because of the drinking.

I started to head out the door to leave when he grabbed me and his mom was trying to pull the car seat away from me. I struggled and got away. The kids and I went out the side door and I heard someone following me so I started yelling leave me alone.

His mother came to the front door and said your dads on his way come in and wait. I yelled you want me to go back in there with a drunk, look he puked all in the drive way. You can come upstairs and wait with the kids where it is warm she said.  He came upstairs and I was going to leave again and she told him to leave and she grabbed me because I was crying and said she loved me. She told me to take what I needed and I could come back and get the rest when she was off work. My Dad got there and I left with the kids.

I went back later to get my things and he wouldn’t let me take any of the child’s things and some of mine.

After that he started supervised visits with my family. The longest he would visit was an hour and sometimes he would only visit for 15 minutes. If the baby cried he handed the baby off to his mother. He would not do anything for her, either I did it or his mom did.

He would give glaring looks to all my family. He brought his sister to one of the visits and she talked about the abuser mother being able to yell at the child just like the abuser mother yells at her boyfriend’s grandchildren. She also posted on Facebook she was going to kidnap the child.

The abuser was allotted 2 to 4 hours a week as long as he gave 24 hour notice. Most of the time he didn’t see her once a week. The abuser always gave excuses why he could not stay like the weather or other plans.

The abuser was asked to leave once because he started a fight when his sibling was asked to refrain from talking about the future with the child. She informed the mother she could talk to the child any way she pleased and I could not stop her. The abuser started to get red faced and yelling. So I asked the visiting parties to leave and asked for the child back. I took the child back and the abuser’s sister even went as far as to throw her coat at me and the child.

When the baby was 7 months I was informed by a lawyer to allow the abuser to take the child out alone. I did just that and he told me he left the child in the truck alone to go into a friend’s home to make sure they were not doing dope so he could bring the child in to see them.

He also informed me a friend called him up and it was important so he left the child with his mother when he was informed he was to be present with the child the whole time or bring her back.

The baby came home smelling of smoke and a red mark that looked like a hand print on her face. This was the last time the abuser saw the child unsupervised and we went to court.

The child was 15 months before he saw her again because he wanted it to be his way or no way at all.

He would bring food to the visit the child could not eat and she always stayed near the person that was there to conduct the visit.

The people supervising made the child got to the abuser crying and screaming for her mommy. At her visit when she was 16 months old she was rushed to the hospital. The people that were supervising the visit and the abuser changed their story to try and cover their selves. He had already threatened to kill the baby if he didn’t get his way and few people had heard him say this. The cops got involved but nothing was done.

He saw the baby again 3 times before she was 3 years old and she never showed any affection toward him, she would grunt but not talk to him. I am now in court again fighting that he has no access to her because she is afraid of him. After her supervised visits she cries and says “No guy, No guy”. She would stop doing things she already knew how to do, for instance, walking, after her visits she would start crawling instead.

Author: Candy W.

Neal Williams, 27 and Manling Tsang, 31 met while he was working at Subway, she was a friend of his co-worker. Neal was instantly attracted to Manling telling his friends and family she was beautiful and very easy to confide in. Neil was also attending college at Mt. San Antonio College. It wasn’t long after they started dating that Manling got pregnant and Devon was born July 26, 2000.

In 2001 they decided to marry quickly at the court house and would plan a big wedding later at a Taiwanese church with friends and family. After getting married Neal and Manling moved to Rowland Heights and Ian was born in 2003.

Devon was the silly, sociable and tolerant one. He told everyone he was going to study monkeys at Whittier College when he grew up. That’s where his grandma Jan Williams worked. Ian was the rascally one that was always getting into something or pestering his brother like younger siblings do.

The boy’s grandma Jan says she remembers going to see them one evening and tucking them into bed when they asked if she would sing Puff the magic dragon. After singing she says the boys were scared “Because it says a dragon lives forever but not so for little boys,” She explained to them that that phrase was about children growing up and leaving their toys behind.

Jan says that was once a sweet memory of her grandsons but now it is painful and says “I promised him he was safe in his bed, and he wasn’t.”

It was around 7:30 in the morning on Aug. 8, 2007 when neighbors saw Manling Tsang Williams running around outside covered in blood and screaming for help at her condominium. When the Los Angeles county sheriff’s arrived they found Neal’s lifeless body at the top of the stairs of the two-bedroom condo.

He had multiple stab and slashing wounds. His hands were mangled and he had a very large “X” slash in his torso. There was an excessive amount of blood around him and the carpet in the condo was saturated with it also. Laying close by was a sword, also with blood on it.

As officer’s looked throughout the house they saw food boxes, trash, clothes and other items lying around. There were pots piled up on the stove, trash covered the kitchen counter and living room table, and trash cans were also overflowing.

In a bedroom 3-year-old Ian Williams was tucked into bed with his favorite blanket, it had teddy bears on it. 7-year-old Devon Williams was on the top bunk bed tucked with his favorite SpongeBob blanket. Both boys looked as if they were sleeping soundly but they in fact had been smothered with pillows.

Manling agreed to go down to the police station for questioning. Once she got there she told deputies that she came home after going grocery shopping. She asked “Does anyone know if my husband is OK?” “I want my babies. Please let them be OK.”

She told her neighbor Francine Cerda a different story about going for a drive the night before to “cool off her head” and was just getting back home.

Jan, the kids grandmother and Neal’s mother was at work when she got the phone call that no parent should ever get. She remembers thinking “I thought maybe they were in an accident. But murder? Who would murder them? And the boys? Who would kill little boys?”

Jan thought Manling was only being questioned due to standard protocol; she had no reason to believe that her daughter-in-law, the mother to her grandchildren and wife to her son murdered her children and husband. Jan and Manling’s parents comforted each other as they waited for more news on their murdered family members.

Manling was arrested on and charged with 3 counts of first degree murder. She was also denied bail. She confessed to writing a suicide note pinning the kids murder on her husband and putting it on MySpace. During the confession she said

“I felt like a bitch. I felt like a cold-hearted bitch,” Manling said to deputies in the video. “Why did I do that? Why did I do this?”

Los Angeles County sheriff’s Detective Donald Walls said Manling was arrogant during her confession and even joked about being on CSI. He said for the most part she was relaxed as if they were friends and having a lunch date.
The family came to the realization of what happened and who murdered Neal and their grandchildren, they were in shock. She had been acting differently in the last few months but they had no idea nor would they suspect that she could or would commit this heinous crime.

At Manling’s trial her Defense Attorneys, Tom Althaus and Haydeh Takasugi explained her actions as a “fit of uncontrollable rage brought on by an abusive childhood and mistreatment by her husband.” They told jurors that Manling’s whole life was filled with “pain, heartache, and diminished dreams.”
He said that Manling Tsang Williams actions were not premeditated and told jurors:

“I’m not trying to make excuses or condone anything in this case.” At one point the defense even pleaded her case saying “With my heart racing, hand trembling, and voice breaking, I ask you to allow this sister, this daughter, this mother to retreat back to her cell … to do so each and every day until she awakes no more … to do so at the hands of God and not the hands of man.”

The medical examiner that handled the case testified that Neal was stabbed and slashed all over his body over 90 times with a samurai sword.

The prosecutor Deputy District Attorney, Stacy Okun-Wiese and Deputy District Attorney, Pak Kouch argued that the murder of Manling’s family was a ploy to get back together with a former boyfriend. She told jurors “Make no mistake about it, granting life without parole is granting leniency,” she said. During closing arguments they told jurors that Manling began planning things as much as 2 months ahead of time. She told friends she was having dreams where Neal was suffocating the boys and then killed himself.

The jury weighed all the information on both sides for 8 hours in November 2010 before coming back and finding her guilty on all accounts. The jury also found her guilty of the special circumstances of lying in wait and multiple murders.

On November 29th Pomona Superior Court Judge, Robert M. Martinez declared a mistrial after the panel announced that it could not reach a verdict in the penalty phase. The jury box was split 8-4 with the majority in favor of the death penalty.

Jan sent letters to the District Attorney’s office asking prosecuting to drop the death sentence in exchange for life without parole. She says that both families have been through too much and a death sentence would only bring years of appeals and even more court dates. Jan was tired and both families just needed to attempt to get closure. That could never happen as long as they kept appearing in court proceedings and dragging things out.

Jan told a reporter:

“You feel like you don’t matter to either side, like it’s just a chess game between them,” Jan said. “It’s crazy at this point to go through it all again. What is it for? What does it bring to us?”

When Jan left the courtroom on January 11th she was solemn and looked worn down. They did not consider her letter and the judge advised them to come back to court on April 18th for a second penalty phase. She says she doesn’t know if she will come back but if she doesn’t who will serve as a reminder for the victims?

In most cases I would say that stabbing someone that many times constitutes a hate crime or crime of passion. Most defense attorneys will play that angle to but they chose their words very carefully. Perhaps she was abused and she snapped and once she started she was so overcome with rage that she didn’t realize just how many times she stabbed him. BUT, I don’t see that in this case. If she was in a bad marriage ok, fine, but why did she murder the boys? It doesn’t fit IMO.

Jan has carried all 3 of her murdered loved ones and this case on her shoulders for 3 years now. It seems to have depleted any life that was once worth living. I don’t say that as an insult, it’s just what I come away from after reading her blog and studying this case. Many of her friends and family have distanced themselves from her because they don’t understand how she cannot overcome the brutal murder of her son and grandsons. I believe it was in Jan’s blog that I read an entry that said this event has consumed her, everything is defined as before and after. I couldn’t begin to imagine the grief this mother is going through, my heart breaks for her, I hope one day she will find some kind of solace.

Manling’s family has also been forever changed. We can say that it is not the family’s fault but they still carry that burden and nothing changes that. Manling’s father Kai Tai Tsang was asked during his testimony why his daughter should be spared the death penalty. He stood up and looked directly at Jan Williams, saying:

“When talking about this, I feel I owe too much to the Neal (Williams) family,” Tsang said. “I feel really sorry. Please forgive me. As a father, I didn’t do good. That is why it happened. I am sorry.” Tsang bowed to Jan, a show if respect in his culture, before leaving the stand.

Unlike the testimonies from friends, peers, clergy, and her brother, Shunling Tsang said she wasn’t angry or unhappy about her childhood and experienced little to no mistreatment from her parents.

Shunling Tsang testified that she agreed to take the stand for one reason, to save her sister. She stated,

“These things are family secrets that people don’t say in court.” She also testified that her sister had changed in the months prior to Neal, Devon and Ian’s murder. She would call in the middle of the night just to talk.

Shunling said “When they died, it was like the joy left the world,” she said. “Those kids meant the world to a lot of people.” “To me and to my family, the losses have been pretty unbearable and here we are, trying to save hers, though,” she said. “When I go to work at my job, I see a lot of death … I see a lot of tragedy in the emergency rooms and a lot of times my job is to help save lives. And there is nothing I can do, nothing I can prescribe to help ease (Manling Williams) situation or my parents’ pain … there is just no words for how much I want to see my sister live.”

Manling Tsang Williams is scheduled to go back to court for another sentencing hearing on February 2, 2011 according to the inmate information I pulled on her.

You can view all L.A. county inmates at this website!%27J%20%20%20&C=CWJXC&CFID=48122816&CFTOKEN=57974450&jsessionid=f030e3500b8d7e9e0646a7d3860a1258296a

Sorry this link is so long, you may have to copy and paste if it does not work.

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An Excerpt from – A Birthday letter from Jan, Neal’s mom that was published in May 19, 2008

Neal’s 28th birthday. More than any other holiday or anniversary that I have faced in the last nine months, this is the one that is the most difficult. This is the day my only son was born. He should be here to eat his grandmother’s key lime pie, the one she only makes for him. It isn’t fair. It isn’t right. He had so many things to look forward to and he didn’t deserve to die. How hard it is as a parent to think of your child bleeding out his life in fear and pain. There are times when I think that my heart is too wounded to beat even one beat more.

I have spoken and written about the little boys, but until now I have been unable to write about Neal. That isn’t because I loved my grandchildren more than I loved my son. I think it is because the hurt is too close. And because so many parts of our personalities were similar, holding a magnifying glass up to examine Neal means that I must examine myself as well. To help you see Neal I must expose a bit of me. That isn’t easy or comfortable, so let me take a couple of deep breaths……………………..You can read the rest here

Jan William’s also keeps a blog a called Grief’s Journey, you can visit it here.

If you saw a man beating on a woman what would your reaction be? Would you stand there and watch? Do you intervene? Do you run away or say it’s none of your business? Maybe call for help?

Three construction workers inside the same home did nothing on the day of February 9, 2007. They made the conscious decision to not intervene while a 1-year-old baby boy watched his mommy and her friend get beat to a bloody pulp and then left to die.

Dana Jo-Rita Conley, 38, a former postal worker in Austin and former Sergeant in the Army, and Julius Lee Conley, 39, a Travis County corrections officer, of Round Rock, Texas had many problems in their marriage when Dana decided to end her marriage. Julius was very abusive and controlling and she finally gathered the courage to leave him and file for divorce in September of 2006.

She also went down and applied for a personal protective order on the grounds that her husband had choked her until she became unconscious. Julius had threatened to kill Dana and would sit in his car and watch her and everything that was going on in her home. It was never said why but she dropped the PPO just a few months later.

Several days before she died she filed another complaint with Travis County Sheriff’s office stating that she was having issues with Julius Lee Conley and needed assistance again. The Sheriff’s office opened an investigation but never did get around to questioning him. This would lead to a change in department policy several months later, but by then, it would be too late.

Dana Jo-Rita Conley had already moved to California during the pending sale of her and Julius’ home. She returned to Round Rock, TX. to collect more of her things, tie up loose ends on the sale of the house and allow Julius to see their 2 children ages 1 and 10. Dana’s friend and former co-worker Quincy Van Johnson, 38 went with her to the house so she wouldn’t be left alone and to help pack her belongings. She thought she was safe.

To Dana’s surprise Julius showed up shortly after Dana arrived at the house. Dana was alarmed and she called the Travis County Sheriff’s Office from her cell phone. The detective told her she should leave the home immediately. What came after would leave Dana in a coma for 2 years and her good friend dead.

Still on the phone with the detective she suddenly screamed “He hit me in the head with a weight!” Round Rock investigators arrived at the scene and found Dana and Quincy unconscious and barely breathing from massive blunt force head trauma. There was blood everywhere and Julius had already left the home. Dana had been hit in the head a countless number of times with a 10lb. dumbbell.

Julius then chased Quincy out to the garage and beat him about the head several times with the weight leaving him unconscious.  He walked back into the house where Dana was lying in a pool of her own blood and hit her several more times in the head. Julius said after attacking Dana the second time he went back out to the garage one more time and spit on Quincy.

Dana Jo-Rita Conley and Quincy Van Johnson were flown to Brackenridge Hospital and put on life support. Quincy Johnson died from substantial brain trauma on February 27, 2007.

Dana was never expected to regain consciousness. Williamson County District Attorney John Bradley said.”I have never seen a more violent, just horrible domestic violence case than this one,” and “He literally beat to death two people in front of witnesses.” “Three construction contractors were in the house during the attack but they did not intervene.”

The Conley’s infant son was also there. “He’s had nightmares about it but he doesn’t have them anymore,” said Regina Foster, Dana’s mother.

Doctors discovered Dana was pregnant on July 18 and she gave birth on September 6, 2007 after carrying the baby almost to full term and delivering via C-section to a 5lb. 3oz baby girl while still comatose. Williamson County District Attorney John Bradley as well as her family declined comments when asked who the father of the baby was.

Dana was taken off her respirator several months prior to giving birth and had only been receiving nutrition and hydration via a feeding tube according to Williamson County District Attorney John Bradley.

Dana passed away at a nursing home in San Antonio on February 12, 2009.

Ms. Conley’s parents have custody of Dana’s infant girl and 2 little boys in California. They reported that they did not know how she passed away. Regina Foster, of Vallejo,CA, spoke of her daughter:

“I am devastated. I was hoping that she might get better, but from what the doctors say, it’s the way she was.”

“It may be better for her to pass on. She had an older child who died so she can be with him.”

Mrs. Foster went on to explain that Dana previously had a 4-year-old years ago that was hit by a car and passed away. She said her and Mr. Foster were planning to bring all 3 of the children to see their mother right before she passed away on February 12th.  They had not seen here since she gave birth in September.

Said Jacquelyn Brown, Quincy Van Johnson’s mother.

“You took my son, our brother. We want you to know your selfish acts of violence have turned our lives upside down.”

Julius fled the scene but officer’s caught up with him and arrested him that same day. He admitted everything he did. He was held in Williamson County jail and his bail was set at $600,000. Originally he was only facing charges of aggravated assault, a class C misdemeanor punishable by up to two years and a $4,000 fine. He was also placed on unpaid administrative leave with the Travis County Sheriff’s Office and later fired.

In July Julius Lee Conley plead guilty on charges of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and murder before Judge Ken Anderson for murdering Quincy Van Johnson. He has been sentenced to 2 life sentences to be run concurrently. He will be eligible for parole in 30 years.

Julius Conley cannot be charged with Dana Conley’s murder. When the case was resolved it was done so with the understanding that if Dana died as result of Julius’ beating her prosecutors would not come back and try to press additional charges.

Julius Lee Conley’s new address is at the Clements Unit, his TDCJ # is 01444805.

Texas Department Of Criminal Justice ––Corrections-records

During a interview with CBS42 Dana Conley’s best friends, Mr. and Mrs. Ron and Regina Asmore said they told her not to come back to Texas but Dana didn’t believe Julius would “be that crazy” as long as she had someone with her at all times. The friends also said she never reported the abuse because she didn’t want Julius to lose his job and she didn’t want to make him angry therefore she suffered in silence.

Dana and Quincy’s family did not get justice in my opinion. Julius still wakes up every morning when Dana and Quincy cannot. Dana’s children were robbed not only of having their mother but also of having a normal childhood.

Julius will be eligible for parole in 30 years and although he will be an old man, he still has the opportunity to gain his freedom and go on with his life. Where is the justice in that? Why is the murder of two completely innocent people only worth 30 years? Are we becoming a nation of sissies?

One of the few things my father taught us was that a man should NEVER lay his hands on a woman, there are no if, ands, or buts. Not even my little brothers hit me.

When I was about 16 I had a boyfriend that hit me in the face, my youngest brother happened to be down the street and saw the guy do it. He ran home and told my dad and Uncle Tim. My dad, uncle and both brothers went after the guy. I don’t know what would have happened if they would have caught him. It’s probably better that they didn’t – my dad was very wild back then.

I think that was the last time I ever saw that guy, and we moved back to TX shortly after that.

I read a comment that I really liked in reference to this story it said “Just remember, God never sleeps, life is temporary and hell is forever”. I’m not the most religious person in the world but I think I will borrow that quote often; it seems to fit a lot of the articles I read about these monsters.

The Travis County Sheriff’s Office issued a resolution last year, written in honor of Dana Jo-Rita Conley. The following letter was published by The Five Point Press (an internal newsletter):


Family Violence: Top Priority

Raising awareness and investigating cases of family violence has always been an area of utmost importance to this agency. Earlier this year, we presented information to the Travis County Commissioner’s Court on Teen Dating Violence Awareness, as well as our commitment to raise awareness on the warning signs of family violence to Travis County employees and managers. The Commissioner’s Court expressed an interest in the Travis County Sheriff’s Office (TCSO) partnering with the Travis County Human Resources Department to develop and explore a family violence “zero tolerance” policy for all Travis County employees; TCSO anxiously waits to receive their suggestions and/or a proposal.

Recently, this tragic crime hit home in Williamson County with former TCSO employee, Julius Conley, victimizing his wife and her friend. We no longer can wait on other interested parties to address head-on this tragic crime. We, as an agency, are proceeding internally to expand our current policy regarding employees who are involved in a family violence case (victim or perpetrator) and to develop methods in addressing this increasingly dangerous problem not only internally, but externally, for the citizens of Travis County.

To begin, a TCSO domestic violence advisory board is being formed with internal and external members, to review and make recommendations in three areas: TCSO policies, training for certified peace officers and all non peace officers, and investigative methods. These recommendations will be reviewed by the TCSO Training Advisory Board and Administration. However, without hesitation, I will commit that there will be an increase in mandatory training for certified peace officers and that family violence topics will be routinely discussed during law enforcement and corrections show-ups.

Secondly, because of a 27-percent increase in Travis County family violence cases; there will be a realignment of detective positions throughout the Sheriff’s Office. Soon, additional detectives will be assigned to the Family Violence Unit. As Capt. Paul Knight recently stated, “Thirty days for a victim of family violence to be contacted is not acceptable.” The need clearly exists and the time to make a change is now. Family violence cases are addressing possible life and death instances and this will be one of TCSO’s top priorities. Moreover, our agency has recently developed a family violence resolution which will be prominently placed in every Travis County building that has a TCSO employee.

This resolution will give notice to all TCSO employees, as well as to the citizens of Travis County, that we will not tolerate any act of family violence. The act of family violence will be addressed swiftly in Travis County. I strongly encourage employees who are a victim of family violence or supervisors who suspect that an employee is a victim to contact our Family Violence Unit immediately – the victim’s care will quickly be addressed. We have a valuable resource in our qualified Victim Services staff members who can provide support and coordinate any necessary resources.

Author: M. Stone, Unforgotten Angels

Daisy Ruth Strout

This is 43-year-old Michael Paul Buse.  Michael was engaged to 26-year-old Daisy Ruth Strout, the mother of a 2-year-old beautiful little girl. Daisy was a sister,  a daughter and a good friend to everyone that knew her in the small town of Amarillo, TX. I also live in Amarillo, but, unfortunately, never met this young lady.

A call came in to the Amarillo Police Department Dispatcher on Sunday, Oct. 10, 2010, at 4:20 a.m. about a body laying in the Chisum Building’s parking lot on Georgia St. This parking lot happens to be just a couple miles down the street from me. I say that because my 18 year old likes to take evening walks in our sub-division and we’ve never really questioned it.

The body belonged to Daisy Ruth Strout. It was obvious that she had been run over by some sort of vehicle. The strange thing about it was that it appeared to the investigators that she’d been rolled over a very low speed, probably less than 20 miles per hour.

Lt. Gary Trupe of the Potter-Randall Special Crimes Unit said that police are not sure if this was a homicide or a hit-and-run:

“She wasn’t hit at a great amount of speed. Something makes us very, very suspicious. We know what normal hit-and-runs look like. This doesn’t have this indication.”

“Was it intentional? Only the suspect can tell me that.”

They were hoping to get more leads called in as this case progressed. Meanwhile, Daisy’s body was sent to Lubbock, about 2 hours away, for an autopsy.

Police arrested Michael Paul Buse on Monday evening at 6:20 p.m and booked him into the Potter County Jail on murder charges. Why Buse? Well it just so happens that the tread pattern of the tires on his truck match the tread pattern that had been impressed into the flesh of Daisy Strout’s upper body. Buse also made incriminating statements during two interviews he had with police.

Daisy’s autopsy also came back Monday the 11th and said the upper part of her body had been crushed. They are reporting that she could have been run over as early as 2 a.m. Daisy was left out in that parking lot for over 2 hours.

We live in a medium sized town (pop. almost 200k), a middle class neighborhood and most everyone are senior citizens and homeowners’ that have owned their homes since they were built. I’m aware anything can happen anywhere, but I think sometimes we don‘t think about it unless something does happen. Needless to say, I was worried when I read this in the newspaper and spoke to my daughter about it. As I said, she’s 18 and therefore invincible, so we’re arguing about this right now.

I pray to God that Daisy Ruth Strout passed quickly and that this knowledge will give her family some kind of comfort. Somehow, I get the feeling she didn’t. I hope I’m wrong.

Witnesses are stating that Michael Paul Buse & Daisy Ruth Strout were last seen together at a bar on Sixth Street. Daisy was a bartender so it’s possible she was just getting off work. Sixth Street is nowhere near where she was found. It is at least 3 miles away. Did they get into an argument on the way home and she demanded to be let out of the car? I hear he had a temper, did he become enraged and try to take off to fast and hit her? Maybe, he was so pissed he was going to teach her a lesson? Who knows. I won’t even try to speculate why they may have been arguing. IT DOES NOT MATTER! It has NOT been said drinking had any part in this, yet, so that lame ass excuse will not work.

Buse has given investigators permission to examine his truck so they are in the process of testing for fibers, tissue and blood. I understand that everyone is innocent until proven guilty. I do think he will be proven guilty very quickly and I hope he is put under the jail.

You can view Daisy’s Facebook page by Clicking Here. You won’t be able to see anything but a picture because rumor has it her cousin changed her profile to private. I can’t blame her for wanting to protect her privacy – this is a small town and people are nosy.

You can view Michael Buse’s Facebook page by Clicking Here. It’s not private yet, but I’m sure it will be soon since people are already defending him.

Just in case this scumbag’s FB does get changed to private here is his status and comments:

Mike Buse: To all our family and friends, thank you so much for all the prayers and support. I can’t even begin to tell you how terrible this tragedy is for us. I’m at a total loss, i have no words to explain how i feel. I cant believe this could happen. Daisy and Madison are everything to me and without Daisy, Madison and i are truly lost. Yesterday at 11:29am

Mike Buse:
I truly appreciate all the prayers and support from all of you. Daisy was a wonderful person, she had a heart like none other. She was always there for any of her friends or family anytime they needed her. She would put their needs in front… of everything, no matter what the burden or cost was to her. God really has an Angel back in his arms!! We LOVE YOU AND MISS YOU SO MUCH BABY!! Please Rest in Peace Babe and know that you are ALWAYS IN OUR HEART AND PRAYERS! Your Legacy will continue on through our baby girl, you know she has all of your beautiful qualities and will bless this world with those qualities, In your name babe. They say things happen for a reason, all part of Gods master plan but i cant understand how this could happen, or how it fits in the plan. A beautiful and innocent childs mother was taken from her without reason and i cant accept that. She was a wonderful person, she loved Madison and I unconditionally. The world will never be the same without her. Why, Why, Why ? We Love You Daisy!!
Yesterday at 11:29am • 1 person Nicole Powell Davis likes this.

Michael Paul Buse says he had no words to explain how he felt…………therefore he took action instead and ran Daisy over I guess.

Michael Buse also said everything happens for a reason and it’s all a part of God’s master plan. I refuse to believe that Daisy’s murder was a part of God’s master plan and this happened for any other reason but pure evil. This has NOTHING to do with God.

And yes Mike, a beautiful and innocent baby’s mama was taken from her. There was a reason though, that reason is you, you piece of shit scumbag. Not only will Madison grow up without the guidance and love of her mommy but she has lost her daddy to because YOU are selfish. YOU have put a hole in this baby’s heart that will never be repaired. And in your own words WHY? WHY? WHY? You sorry ass selfish son of a bitch!!!

This is what Madison has left of her mommy.


October is National Domestic Violence Awareness month. Domestic violence has become an epidemic across the world and knows no boundaries to race, religion, age or socio-economic background. It is my personal responsibility as well as yours to stand up and say something if you believe someone is abused. I would rather be made a fool of and be wrong than know I did nothing to reach out to someone in need.

Christina Delores Guerra Lewis, 30 of Channelview, TX. was dating Robin Lynn Prince, 36 for three months but had been trying to break it off with him for almost a month to no avail. Christina rented a room in a mobile home that she shared with 2 roommates. She also had 3 children that lived with her sister while she was trying to get her life back on track. It was never made clear whether or not Robin was abusive to Christina throughout their entire relationship but he was in fact a career criminal and took pride in beating on women.  He had 20 arrests and 25 criminal charges on his record. To be fair, out of the 25 charges 4 of those were later dismissed.

His most recent offence was a  felony assault causing bodily injury to a family member after he punched his common-law wife in the face during a fight at their house on July 30, 2007. In 2006, he punched his sister-in-law in the face and was arrested for felony assault but pleaded guilty and was convicted on a lesser charge of  a Class A misdemeanor assault and served 180 days in Harris County jail. In 2004, he was arrested for felony injury to a child under 15 for pushing the child into a door frame. He pleaded guilty to a lesser charge of Class A misdemeanor assault and spent a year in jail for that offence.

In 2000, he was arrested for aggravated assault with serious bodily injury after his mom’s boyfriend, Curtis Maserang, 39, died from an assault. Robin’s mother, Carolyn Manley Bailey, 43, was eventually convicted of Curtis’ murder. Carolyn Bailey dropped a 40 lb. cinder block on Curtis Masering’ head twice. She said they had been arguing while she was making barbecued ribs. Curtis Maserang shot his pistol straight up into the ceiling of the trailer house and she was scared.

Robin and his uncle Michael Anthony Manley, 57, dragged him [Curtis] outside and beat him up.  Michael Manley beat him with a log and Robin used his hands and feet. Carolyn followed behind and said she was so mad she “saw red” and that was when she dropped the cinder block on his head twice. She said she was terrified because he was drunk. She went back to a nearby picnic table and continued eating her barbecue ribs and realized something might be wrong when Curtis didn’t come around asking for food about 20 minutes later. That’s when she realized he was dead and called an ambulance.  

She was arrested and sentenced to 50 years in prison plus a $10,000 fine. Robin Prince and his uncle, Michael Anthony Manley were charged with aggravated assault and pleaded guilty for their roles in assisting Carolyn Bailey. Their charges were reduced to misdemeanor assault and Robin was sentenced to 10 months in jail. Michael Manley was sentenced to 100 days in jail.

 There was someone making comments in a forum “claiming” to be Robin’s cousin and they said Carolyn never touched Curtis Maserang. This cousin says Robin’s mother covered for him and said she killed him. The cousin also claims that Curtis actually died of a gunshot wound to the head and the cinder block was used as a cover up. Considering Robin’s record I don’t doubt it and this document says that Curtis may have died from a gun shot wound.

Aside from all of his assaults, Robin also had convictions for auto theft, possession of a controlled substance, failure to stop and give information after an accident, resisting arrest or search, DWI and evading arrest.

Four days prior to Christina’s murder Robin broke into her trailer and beat her, raped her, stole her money and threatened to kill her family if she tried to report the crime or tell anyone about what he had done to her.

She did tell another member of the family and when they tried to get her to go to the hospital and report it to police Christina said “For what?, They’re not going to do anything”. If she did in fact have any inclination of his past I can see why she would make this statement. Unfortunately, it’s way to often that victims don’t report crimes and their abusers know it. It’s as if the abuser has a sixth sense.

It was September 17, 2009 around midnight that Robin would return and stab Christina multiple times in the throat leaving her to die alone. The other roommate was nowhere to be found but Larry said they were all there the night before and went to sleep in their own rooms around 10:00. Christina’s body was found that morning at 6:30 after Larry, the roommate looked in on her.

Christina’s sister Debra reportedly said,

“Many times I’ve asked her to stop hanging out with people she hangs out with, you know, just the way she lived. I don’t know all the people she hung out, and I didn’t know who her friends were. It’s just hard, being the bigger sister, trying to keep up with your little sister. … You know, the lifestyle she lived, it wasn’t the best lifestyle.”

 Christina was said to have been on drugs and hung out with criminals. Her daughter’s father, David Knight, allegedly, was just like Robin. Christina Guerra Lewis’s family members said they didn’t think Christina knew the extent of Robin’s criminal history. The family says it outrages them learning about Robin’s past and how he tortured Christina for the week prior to her massacre.

Christina was trying to change her life for the better. The night before Christina died she asked her mom, Judy Ann Holland, to go with her to get a restraining order against Robin. Unfortunately, she never made it and now her children will grow up without her.  

Ms. Holland of Beaumont was furious with the judicial system quoting:

 “It outrages me that the damn authorities let him walk the streets to do it over and over and over again,” the Beaumont woman said. “I feel if they had done their job at that time and kept him in the system, my daughter wouldn’t be dead right now.”

Robin Prince was arrested on September 19th in Crosby, TX. and charged with murder. He  is being held in the Harris County jail without bail and is scheduled to go before Judge Jeannine Barr for trial March 14, 2011.

Links related to story:

Carolyn Manley Bailey vs. State of Texas